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Blocked Account and Health Insurance for International Students in Germany
International students in Germany nee a blocked account and a health insurance. but what does this mean exactly and what needs to be considered?
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Apply for a visa part 1
In order to study at the international Graduate Center or generally in Germany as a foreigner, you my need to apply for an appropriate visa. this usually raises a lot of questions, the process seems complicated and confusing - but don´t worry, there are cpmpetent authorities in Germany as well as in you home country, that can advise you on applinf for a visa.

Apply for a visa part 2
If you would like to study at the International Graduate Center or generally in Germany as a foreigner, you may need to apply for an appropriate visa. But don´t worry about complicated bureaucracy - we will give you an overview. Our second part is about the required documents and the time planning

My first months in Germany
You want to go abroad and plan to do your Master´s or MBA in Germany, e.g. with us at the International Grauate Center? Then it is helpful to know a fe things before your stay that will make your first months in your new home country easier. There are some peculiarities an (not always meant seriously) german idiosyncrasies.
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